Our Mandate

The Mandate of “World Transform”, a sub-committee of the CRCA


  1.  When challenged whether He was indeed the promised Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ responded, “...the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the good news is preached to the poor” (Matthew 11:5).
  2. When confronting the religious leaders of his day, our Lord reminded them that “justice and mercy” were the weightier matters of the law (Matthew 23:23). Indeed the Lord requires his people to “do justice, and to love kindness…” (Micah 6:8).
  3. When the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ was instituted on the day of Pentecost, it immediately brought Jesus’ injunction into practice when “...they shared everything they had...” (Acts 4:32).
  4. When a severe famine spread during the reign of Claudius, the Christians in Antioch sent their gifts for the fellow Christians in Judea (Acts 11:27-30). Later, the apostle Paul encouraged the Christians in Corinth to donate their gifts for needy Christians elsewhere (2 Corinthians 8 & 9) and urged those in Galatia to “...do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers...” (Galatians 6:10)

The members of the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia humbly and gratefully acknowledge that the Lord has liberally blessed them with worldly goods, while there is a sad awareness that there are many people in the world who are lacking the basic necessities of food, water, clothing, medicine, shelter, justice and security.


Acknowledging the deep concern of our God and Saviour for the needy, the sick, the suffering, the orphans and the widows, and aware that the Lord Jesus left His Church in this world with the purpose to reach out to those in need with the message of the gospel as well as with their daily necessities, the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia established the World Transform sub-committee under GROW with the instruction to administer – in the Name of the Lord of mercy – to the spiritual and physical needs of all those in distress, including through natural disasters, war and hostilities, irrespective of sex, race or creed. This ministry includes advocating for justice for the oppressed.


  1. In this Mandate, the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia will be designated CRCA, and the synodical committee for World Transform, WT.
  2. For the purpose of this Mandate, the final decision about the task, the appointment and discharge of the Committee for WT and of the individual members of WT is the responsibility of successive synods of the CRCA.



Its Relationship to Synod

  1. Synod shall appoint the members of WT.
  1. Members shall serve from synod to synod; they need re-appointment by each successive synod.  Synod should take notice of recommendations given by WT.
  1. Vacancies arising during an inter-synodical period shall be filled upon recommendation by WT with the approval of Classis.
Its Membership
  1. WT shall consist of at least seven members; they shall be communicant members in good standing of the CRCA.  Should a paid officer be employed by WT, he/she may attend WT meetings as seen fit by the Committee and advise the Committee as appropriate.  The Committee may then consist of six voting members and one ‘ex officio’ member.
  1. If a member or employee of WT becomes subject to disciplinary action by his/her session, his/her membership of WT shall be suspended as long as the disciplinary action continues.
  1. If a member or employee of WT withdraws or is excommunicated from the CRCA, his/her membership of WT lapses forthwith.
Its Officers
  1. The officers of WT shall consist of a chairman, a vice-chairman, a secretary and a treasurer.
  1. The officers shall be selected from the sitting members of WT by the members themselves. (Amended by Synod 2000, Art 24.8)

Its Meetings

WT shall meet at least four times per year; when necessary, additional meetings may be convened.
    A quorum shall consist of 50% plus one voting member of WT, and shall be required for all meetings.


      The Synod of the CRCA authorises the WT to:

      1. Receive and administer the offerings and contributions donated by local churches, individual members of the CRCA and church related organisations and others for the relief and rehabilitation of those in need, nationally or internationally. This relief is to be, where possible, accompanied by the ministry of the Word.
      1. Make emergency appeals to the churches and other contributors when circumstances call for this action.
      1. Collect, store and forward items that may be used for relief purposes, such as clothing, tools, building materials, food, medical supplies, etc.
      1. Supervise and control such permanent and rehabilitation projects as are approved by successive synods.
      1. Appoint and supervise sub-committees for specialised relief projects, such as refugee resettlement.
      1. Educate and advocate for justice by providing churches with learning material and suggestions on how to respond to injustice Biblically and find ways to uphold the dignity, worth and rights of every image bearer of God.


      International Projects
      1. WT shall support community based development programmes which may include medical, agricultural, educational and constructional projects.  Priority shall be given to projects connected with the CRCA and to projects in the Asian and South Pacific areas.
      1. WT shall provide long-term development assistance aiming at:
            • raising the quality of life of people in needy communities;
            • initiating and sustaining programmes which create and support Christian values and hopes for community life and which aim for social justice and the meeting of material needs.
          1. Where there is a Reformed relief organisation in or near the relevant area, the support shall usually be channelled through that organisation.  Where there is no such Reformed organisation in or near the area, support shall be channelled through the most acceptable evangelical relief organisation.
          International Emergency Relief
          1. When disasters occur anywhere in the world, WT may appeal to the churches of the CRCA for donations and/or offerings.
          1. WT shall select the most acceptable channel to remit with the least delay the donations to the stricken area.
          1. Contributions toward emergency relief from the General Fund of WT shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the average yearly income of the General Fund over the last five (5) years.
          1. Advances toward emergency relief may be made from the General Fund provided a specific appeal is simultaneously launched.
          1. Does it comply with our mandate?
          2. Is it the most pressing current need?
          3. How to respond with the least delay?
          4. To what extent is the project media driven?
          5. Is it in our mandated region (i.e., Asia Pacific)?
          6. How many other relief organisations are also contributing to this cause?
          7. Can it be ascertained that the aid will actually reach the people in need?
          8. How can effectiveness of assistance be maximised?
          9. Is there an ‘evangelical’ or even a partner-church through which the money/aid can be distributed?
          10. Have distribution channels been investigated to ensure that the neediest will indeed be helped?
          11. How can or should this need be presented to our people?
          12. Is the frequency of our emergency relief appeals excessive?
          13. Will it affect the general funds?
          14. Is it clearly Gospel related?
          15. Will there be a possibility for further Gospel follow up by the local church?
          National Projects
          1. WT shall consider assistance towards national relief and/or rehabilitation projects only after consultation with GROW or if so directed by Synod, provided that:
                • the deacons of the church(es) or classis nearest the project are unable to render the required assistance;
                • there is no congregation of the CRCA within reasonable distance.
            1. WT shall consult closely with GROW.
            National Emergency Relief
            1. When disasters occur within Australia, WT may appeal to the churches of the CRCA for donations and/or offerings.
            2. The deacons of the church(es) or classis within reasonable distance of the disaster area may be requested to advise WT as to the type of relief required and to act as intermediary of WT’s assistance.
            3. If there are no CRCA churches within reasonable distance, WT shall select the most acceptable channel to remit with the least delay the assistance to the stricken area.
            4. Contributions and/or advances from the General Fund towards national emergency relief shall be as for international emergency relief.
            1. Does it comply with our mandate?
            2. How to respond with the least delay?
            3. Are government services responding adequately?
            4. To what extent is the project media driven?
            5. How many other relief organizations are also contributing to this cause?
            6. Can it be ascertained that the aid will actually reach the people in need?
            7. How can effectiveness of assistance be maximized?
            8. Is there an ‘evangelical’ or even a partner-church through which the money/aid can be distributed?
            9. Have distribution channels been investigated to ensure that the neediest will indeed be helped?
            10. How can or how should this need be presented to our people?
            11. Is the frequency of our emergency relief appeals excessive?
            12. Will it affect the general funds?
            13. Is it clearly Gospel related?
            14. Will there be a possibility for further Gospel follow up by the local church?
            Relationships with other agencies
            1. Wherever possible, cooperation with Reformed or evangelical relief and/or development and justice organisations shall be established and/or maintained.
            1. A mutual information service with other relief/development/justice organisations shall be sought.
            1. Relationships with other Christian, secular or government agencies shall be developed when desirable.
            Criteria for assessment of projects
            The assessment of projects and the level of aid provided remains the responsibility of WT.
              Promotion among the Churches
              1. WT shall promote its projects and share news of its field activities among the members of the churches.
              1. The deacons of the churches shall be encouraged to promote and support WT’s national and international projects within their congregations.
              1. WT shall provide regular articles and reports via church publications and/or direct mailings, e.g., “Empty Hands.”
              1. WT shall seek to educate the members of the CRCA to have a Christian perspective of poverty, hunger and justice.

              ARTICLE 4 – DISSOLUTION

              In the event of the dissolution of the WT, whether voluntary, by force of circumstance, or by decree of law, the synod of the CRCA shall – after discharging all debts and obligations – distribute all available funds, assets and properties to organisations whose use thereof will be in conformity to the principles of operation of WT as stated in the Preamble of this Mandate.

                ARTICLE 5 – MANDATE CHANGE

                This Mandate can only be changed by decision of the synod of the CRCA.