CC19 - #21 - SISU Child Gift

CC19 - #21 - SISU Child Gift


Raji's mother Sathia was married at 14 to a man with AIDS. Her older sister died as a toddler. Her dad died before she was born. Sathia followed the advice of a Christian counsellor who urged her not to breastfeed Raji. 

In Oct. '19 Raji was a healthy 10-year-old with a critically ill and dying mother aged 28. She's a really great student who aspires to be a teacher one day. For that she needs to stay at school. A poor grandmother (who can't afford to pay anything) will be the only one who will be there for Raji. 

With a little bit of help (i,e. $8 for pencils and books; $7 for a school bag and $60 towards school fees) Raji will stay at school. $75 a year or 20c per day will make all the difference. 

Life has been really tough for Raji and many children like her. Your gift will have great significance and hugely impact a young life. 

Please also send an email to so that you can pray for a child like Raji by name.