CC20 - #23 - Keep Raji (And Others Like Her) at School

CC20 - #23 - Keep Raji (And Others Like Her) at School


In CC19 we were informed that Raji's mother Sathia married at 14 to a man with AIDS. Her dad died before she was born.
In Oct. '19 Raji was a healthy 10-year-old with a critically ill and dying mother aged 28. She's a really great student who aspires to be a teacher one day.
In Oct. '20 Raji was still at school. She is now studying in 5th grade. She is a cheerful helper and helps her mother (who is doing better) and grandmother with small household chores. Your support helps children like Raji to continue their education. ($8 for pencils and books; $7 for a school bag and $60 towards school fees means Raji will stay at school for another year). Life has been really tough for Raji and many children like her.